Sheri McConnell: HAPPY Canadian THANKSGIVING!

Monday, October 10


Happy Happy TURKEY Day -good ole' canadian style! That's right here down south we celebrated it up - the Ruis' and I at their house. I have to say right off the top the Ruis' have kicked it up in opening their home to me and just being "family" down here -it totally has made this transition waaay easier. Total blessing -I am so thankful for those dear ones near and far that the Lord has brought into my life. You all are truly a "gift" in every accurate true sense of the word.

I am really thinking that this concept of a "blog" is cool and yet scary in many ways. I remember when I was a little girl deciding that I wanted to have my very own diary with a little lock and my own key! The secret thoughts of my life which usually just ended up being about my daily happenin's and then of course the occasional boy (ok maybe more than occasional;) that I was crushing over at the time. If I remember correctly this particular diary that I am thinking of was pink, and had probably either butterflies or flowers all over of it:) I always loved writing ...mmm...where did that diary go?

The funny thing is the whole point of a diary was for it to be kept secret from all the world yet, the blog is all about those secret places of our hearts spread for all the world to see. Feels kinda scary and yet for all the voyeuristic tendencies in all of you who are reading this -quite interesting. HA!

I typically am very private about certain musings of my heart but, this is good ... most likely more for me than anyone else reading this. A blog is a great idea for a verbal processor like myself.

Speaking of which ...

I have been thinking about my personal current reality of "starting over". Freaky - exciting and lonely all at the same time. We all have to start at many things in our life and many people I know stay in something for far too long for the fear of "starting all over". Where there is a start there is an end. Each one brings a variety of emotions and feelings -I guess these are the feelings I am walking through now and slowly disseminating.

Yesterday, I had a conversation with a few of the Basileia crew whom I have just met and the whole topic came up on how I would pretty much sell everything and simplify to the point of getting rid of alot of my "stuff" is so abnormal to many and yet honestly for me - it is so liberating! How easy it is for us to just complicate life with more things, stuff, etc... The positive side of starting over is about cleaning out, off and away. Creating an opportunity and space to create afresh for some to recreate yourself. Much of this - is the exciting part! Good thing I love change as I don't always do well with constant routine. These elements of my personality will definately flourish in my current environment.

One of the take aways from this past month that I have realized is how easy it is to take for granted the people in our life until we are shaken or moved out of our comfortable routines, circles of relationships or other -then we try and make up for the loss or lack thereof that we have missed or fear to miss. May we be men and women who live to the full the days and relationships that have been brought into our life -so, we never have regrets or wish I could'ves ...should'ves, etc... Speak out more the things you think and wish you could say to the people in your life. Don't wait -book those coffee's and time with the ones you were hoping to hang with and never have.

It is about redemption in many ways. Redeem your time! Redeem all your relationships. Begin with life and passion, wherever there are endings in your life -end well and even more importantly - live well to the fullest with no regrets! Now ... Never ...Take a chance ...Risk

Sheri at 11:04 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Sheri!!! I so feel the things you are going through. I packed up and left for Australia 5 years ago and it was such a shock to my system - Salvation Army furniture, no extras to make home homey and no friends. I remember thinking the same thing - wow, we take people for granted. When I got back I was so nurturing to all the people in my life I thought I'd taken for granted, but slowly things just fell back to what they had always been... Still struggling with that one cus I wonder if some day my current friends may all be gone and then I'll have to rely on those secondary friends I never spent that much time with...
As for Live the Life you Imagine, I'm trying to figure out how that will work for me too & on that note - how close is Vacaville CA, to you?

1:24 PM  

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