Sheri McConnell: PS...

Tuesday, October 11


I just have to say that the other night we went to Frankie's on Melrose. An italian restaurant that Tony Danza frequents. They ship their seafood in from NewYork! Absolutely off the charts for a restaurant! Last night went to PF Changs ...mmmm...chinese... I love these outdoor mall/patio's here - so beautiful!

I found some car insurance - hallelujah! and it is not scary prices. Very reasonable actually! Yahhooo,,,now I just have to figure out all the rest of it! details coming out of my wazoooo...

Scientology - everywhere out here - totally bizarre! Anyone have a good book to recommend that I can read on this "following" to understand it a little better? It is honestly so whacko!!!

Sheri at 12:50 AM


Blogger Clarkie said...

Hey Sheri! I guess I am the last person on the planet to know about your blog! How happy was I see a link to my blog! Geesh! You are there! that is SO cooL!
DO you know that I am knocked up again? Well I am.
Happy days when it comes out...but for now I am super sick everyday...ahhh I am in love with the toilet...I pray to it every chance I get.
Ok thats enough about that!
I AM SO HAPPY THAT YOU ARE THERE!!! and that you have a blog! Make sure that you update K.
See ya love ya and please change the size of your font...its killing me.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

today was my first day working at the church. i think i've felt almost every emotion possible... please pray for me. i miss ya Sher.
p.s. i'm leading worship for the first time in a really long time this sunday.yikes

9:50 PM  
Blogger ninja_e said...

Hey Sheri,
I just found out you're speakin at Regina Retreat. that is neat. I'm now excited to go.
Uhm I don't have any books that I can recomend, but it's defined as a controversial belief system developed by L. Ron Hubbard, based on a person being an immortal spiritual being whose survival depends on him/herself and his/her attainment of brotherhood with others and the universe
uhm there's a website for it though:
I'm reading through it and it sounds realll crazy.
I hope this helps maybe?

10:27 PM  
Blogger Trickster said...


Another person discovers the wonderful world of Frankie's on Melrose...

Oh and PF Chang's is awesome as well...


10:48 AM  

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