Sheri McConnell: ENCOUNTER

Monday, March 12


I came home from Canada late last wednesday night. and right off the top have to say - my trip was flippin' phenomenal! In some ways it went way too fast and I wish that I was still there. and then of course in other ways, it is good to be home. I really miss Bailey (my lil' bichon) when Im away and in my travels have picked up some nasty virus. Im so sick right now ...hackhack...iiiiccckkkk....head...nose....throat.

I was invited to speak at the annual Senior High Wknd. hosted by Full Gospel Bible College in good ole' gopher worshipping Eston, SK. Believe it or not ...these are my old stomping grounds. Eston and I go waaaay back. I graduated from this College and have such a love for many friends who I find in those hallways to this day.

Senior High Wknd. is the College's recruitment wknd. and I have to say they do a F I N E job in making it a fantastic time for all! Good job all you out there!! Needless, to say I found myself with a mixture of excitement and yet nervousness all in one. I think the anticipation of seeing many people who I respect, like and some love dearly. A coming together of a variety of worlds for me-that is for sure! There were about 250 senior highers, 100+ college students, faculty, youth leaders/pastors ....etc. What a party!

So many laughs and crazy honest conversation with loved friends and peers. [love it] a reconnecting of souls in some senses. and then i made a few new friends - who i really believe are a beautiful gift from the Father. I love these kind of "Jesus connects". It felt good to be "home" in a way ...where it feels safe to just BE ME. Often times I think that we don't even realize that until we find ourself back in the midst of it.

From a Kingdom ministry perspective. OFF THE FREAKIN' CHARTS! seriously. I've only been hearing great reports back! 15-20 students made first time decisions to follow Jesus. Many many youth were getting stuff sorted, getting things right with Jesus and with others. Vision was being stirred. Healing was happening, deliverance was being encountered. all in all the KINGDOM OF GOD was BREAKING IN! Even now I am hearing stories of how students are fasting and seeking the Lord from the wknd. to find practical ways to discover mercy, pursue compassion and the justice of God in their spheres of influence. To discover their poor. Three nights in a row many of us were up to the wee hours of the morning just 'doin the stuff'. so good. soo good.

Thank you Jesus for showing up and makin it so real cause YOU ARE REAL!

I was speaking with one of my best friends today [teresa trask] and she articulated something to me which really stuck. She said "Sher, it sounds like the Lord was creating space for you to just BE YOU". It really struck me. Yes! Father ...THANKYOU. a precious gift just for my heart and much needed i might add.

I am sure that I could say so much more. But, I will leave it as this.
Those of you who read this and were there ... know that our time together were sovereign moments in time and that it is only the beginnings of so much more Kingdom.
Keep firing out the communicato -don't be strangers.
Let's hold together for those things we know are true and real.
Go and discover YOUR TRIBE. Ones you will give your life for to pursue faith, freedom and hope. Not just for yourselves -but for OTHERS!

Kingdom Encounter for Kingdom Discovery.
A path of true adventure!!
Sheri at 8:01 PM


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