Sheri McConnell re-located into the Los Angeles, California area in September 2005. Currently apart of the leadership team in the emerging church plant ‘Basileia’ with the epicentre in Hollywood, CA.
Email SheriHere or Here
March :: Los Angeles.CA April 17-22 :: Calgary.CANADA April-July :: Los Angeles.CA
Through Painted Deserts Donald Miller
The Gospel in a Pluralist Society Lesslie Newbigin
The Chronicles of Narnia C.S. Lewis
The Artists Way Julia Cameron
Reimagining Spiritual Formation Doug Pagitt
A Generous Orthodoxy Brian McLaren
Good News about Injustice Gary A. Haughen
Blue Like Jazz Donald Miller
Searching For God knows What Donald Miller
The Alchemist Paul Coelho
The Imitation of Christ Thomis A. Kempis
The Worship God is Seeking David Ruis
The Vision and The Vow Pete Greig
BONO in Conversation with Michka Assayas
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