Sheri McConnell: Quote

Saturday, October 22


Well, I have been a bad "poster" ..."blogger" lately. I have no excuse really. It's not that I have been incredibly busy or anything. My home is pretty much "together" now. Just waiting for my desk to be setup on monday. Looking forward to it -so, that I can then setup my office and pull things together for my very soon -upcoming trip back up to Canada!! Yeah ...can hardly wait:) Really looking forward to seeing family and friends!

It has been good so far. Though some days it feels like the adjustments are somewhat harder than other days. I realize that starting over relationally really is difficult and takes a lot of work. I have had a couple moments in the last week where I said to myself "I really don't like this" nor do "I feel like I am ready for this". That is when I have to force myself to just hunker down and step out relationally with people.

Funny how, people's perceptions of oneself can be quite the contrary to the sentiment, mood and reality. Like for example most people perceive me as the extrovert I usually am. Not afraid to conquer new horizons and meet new people. Yet lately, I have been feeling more like a hermit, wanting to be alone. Bizarre, cause I really don't want that. I am looking for significant connections not in a "networking" sort of way but, friends. People to hang with of like heart and interests and at a similar emotional maturity. There just is way more life to give to others when these relational parts are working in a healthy way.

Anyway, speaking of "health" - I checked out the YMCA today -they have a ton of programs there that look interesting. I need to do something like this. Plus, I went and signed up for a library card today. There is a park and a library right across the street from me. This is the park I walk Bailey in every day and this also is the park that I met 2 homeless people in late last night and had a really great conversation. I suspect that there will be more of these conversations to come. That was cool actually - cause it felt like I was walking it out here in my community.

I caught the end of a movie tonight. I don't even know what it was called -some made for TV movie. But, there was a statement made at the end of the movie made from a husband to a wife speaking to why marriages fall to boredom and dissapointment once familairity creeps in. But, it was a statement that caught me and it was this "Practicalities get in the way of abandon". I thought -wow-so, true. In every element of life how the practicalities of life can easily suck the life out of abandon. What are those necessary, practical things in your life that are getting in the way of abandon to those closest to you the Lord ... to your passions ... What are they?
Sheri at 7:37 PM


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there Sherri,

I remember the feeling of being in a new place and that disconnected feeling. But I also remember how God put people in my path and opened doors when I first got here. Like a couple of friends having extra time over the summer ;-) (what a godsend that was for me . . . I don't know what I would have done without out that, coffees, cheap theaters and all!!). May there be abundance in relationships for you :)!

9:26 PM  

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