Sheri McConnell: Prayer ...

Saturday, January 14

Prayer ...

HI Everyone ... OK, this perhaps might sound like a wierd post for some of you but, I am calling out to all of you who believe in and are standing with me in prayer whether far away or near. It has to do with Bailey - my little Bichon Frise "baby". He is almost like a child to me as most of you who know me well -would understand;)

Anyway, in the last 3 weeks I have had to take him into the vet on 2 separate occasions for 2 completely different situations that were totally random out of the blue costing me a lot of money, stress, lack of sleep, etc... I could go into all the sorted details but, that would take too long and for many of you probably bore you.

I would ask that you please pray!

I actually really believe that it is connected to elements of warfare that is stepping up here for me personally and my household (which includes Bailey). I don't mean that in any sort of demon chasing behind every tree thing but, I do see that the enemy loves to go for the weakest links, the helpless, people in our lives and over the last couple days as we have been walking through some "relational swirl" in the midst of life here, the warfare definately feels like it is ramping up. I am currently nursing him (Bailey) back to health from a superficial ulcer on his right eye due to an accident from a groomer yesterday. (a small piece of the "sorted details" from one of the random accounts)

Please pray for protection over myself and Bailey. Physical strength over myself along with Spiritual sight and discernment as we push into the life of the Basileia community here in Los Angeles.

You are valued, loved and missed!

Sheri at 8:08 PM


Blogger Charis said...

Hey Sheri,
Well, now I know why I meandered onto your site this late. Sure girl, I'll pray

11:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sheri ... I will pray for him. And praying for you. I hope things are going okay with the boys there ...;)

I just finished a catering tonight and thought I would check out what is going on in your world.

love robyn

12:22 AM  
Blogger Joyska said...

bailey? awww... That is terrible!!

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Sheri, I never thought I would be concerned about a dog until I had one. How is the little guy? Tell Bailey we miss him (what in the world am I saying???). Let me know how things are going...Canada misses you. Us in particular. Blessings.

9:47 PM  
Blogger anthony said...

Will do

9:12 AM  

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