Sheri McConnell: The "Larger Story"

Friday, February 24

The "Larger Story"

I read today ...that only in remembering that our lives are being written into a larger story can we take the mundane things that keep coming, minute by minute.

The meta narrative (the 'larger story') of my life ... the meta narrative of your life. The small is important and yet the bigger picture-larger story is that which keeps us focused through the small.

Interesting how many times in life we revolve our thoughts, energy, time, emotion -really our 'lives' around the small things convinced that they truly are the BIG things.

Easy how our perspectives can run askewed. I believe it happens for many reasons and yet I am reminded today again of this very important truth.

May the Larger Story be my focus and yes, it will give me the energy to wade through even the drama of the mundane. No matter how strong the immediacy of the emotion and need - the wider focus/big picture-larger story will help me stay grounded and focused to that which the day to day offers.

A very important life value ...

So, on a lighter note (no pun intended:) - off to the gym I go ... a whole lot of the mundane and yet most definately somewhat of the larger story!

Happy Weekend
Sheri at 11:14 AM


Blogger Joyska said...

the larger story is the real story sheri... thanks for the reminder! nice play on the larger story in your last paragraph... haha

11:26 PM  

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