Sheri McConnell: February 2006

Monday, February 27


Had a great night last night with our initial core group from Basileia. We had 29 of our "identified" core leadership group and have started a strategic leadership development process-that will be taking place over the next 3 months.

Had some worship/prayer/teaching and of course our usual hang/party/social time. It was fantastic! As you looked around the room ...realized that the room was full of very amazing/talented men and women. What a priviledge. It was really exciting and a sense that "the next step" is beginning to unfold.

Tommorow we go into our first rehearsal in preparation for a live recording project that will be happening at the end of the month. It is really exciting! SO, most of the day will be spent in a studio figuring out songs, details, etc... Met with the guys today (again-what a talented group of guys and so full of character) it just felt so rich! Amazing!! Lots of details to unfold ... my role with this particular "hat" (thought to self-I should do a blog regarding "hats") is in more of the management/detail end of things so, I most definately have a whole whack load of work in front of me here to pull together in literally one month. This of course is on top of all the "usual Basileia stuff".

The weeks have definately jumped up a few notches in regards to task and the blend of relationship. It's good. I like pressure. I seem to thrive better in those kind of environments.

Things are on the move ... let me end this post today with somewhat of a clarifier ...

Clarifier: To anyone who perhaps is unfamiliar with the world of "blogging". (I realize that most of you who actually read my blogs are aware of the concept of blogging). However, there are a few who perhaps this is a new concept to. Blogging, really is a way to express musings, heart, thoughts, rants, current realities. It is not meant necessarily to be a day to day calendar of events/or in this case "ministry log". Though sometimes might look that way (like my post today) it is more of a heart connect than a day to day organizer. For my friends and family who are looking for more "tangible" what the world is sheri up to questions ... please feel free to email or call me directly. I would be happy to pop out personal communications.
Sheri at 11:14 PM

Friday, February 24

The "Larger Story"

I read today ...that only in remembering that our lives are being written into a larger story can we take the mundane things that keep coming, minute by minute.

The meta narrative (the 'larger story') of my life ... the meta narrative of your life. The small is important and yet the bigger picture-larger story is that which keeps us focused through the small.

Interesting how many times in life we revolve our thoughts, energy, time, emotion -really our 'lives' around the small things convinced that they truly are the BIG things.

Easy how our perspectives can run askewed. I believe it happens for many reasons and yet I am reminded today again of this very important truth.

May the Larger Story be my focus and yes, it will give me the energy to wade through even the drama of the mundane. No matter how strong the immediacy of the emotion and need - the wider focus/big picture-larger story will help me stay grounded and focused to that which the day to day offers.

A very important life value ...

So, on a lighter note (no pun intended:) - off to the gym I go ... a whole lot of the mundane and yet most definately somewhat of the larger story!

Happy Weekend
Sheri at 11:14 AM

Thursday, February 23

This is such a great thought ...

Thanks to Henri Nouwen!

True Intimacy

Human relationships easily become possessive. Our hearts so much desire to be loved that we are inclined to cling to the person who offers us love, affection, friendship, care, or support. Once we have seen or felt a hint of love, we want more of it. That explains why lovers so often bicker with each other. Lovers' quarrels are quarrels between people who want more of each other than they are able or willing to give.

It is very hard for love not to become possessive because our hearts look for perfect love and no human being is capable of that. Only God can offer perfect love. Therefore, the art of loving includes the art of giving one another space. When we invade one another's space and do not allow the other to be his or her own free person, we cause great suffering in our relationships. But when we give another space to move and share our gifts, true intimacy becomes possible.
Sheri at 12:13 AM

Monday, February 20

Adventure ...

oh what a word with many a different definition depending on the person, season and or perhaps the time of day.

I have always considered myself to be a very adventurous person.
Nothing was too big of a challenge.
My parents always raised my brother and I to understand and know that we could get anything we put our mind to. That obstacles were the things that made us stronger to face the realities of growing up and encountering all that life has - face on. Individual dreams were the things that inspired and pulled to the gifts and calling of the individual self.

Even as a young girl, I was always tenatious sometimes to my detriment and yet always a lesson never went unlearned. Good, the bad and at times the ugly with appropriate consequences. Yet, I would never trade any of my experiences because I believe that strong character was being developed in the midst of it all.

The ability to make a decision. To have an opinion - a voice.

Funny enough, the hardest decisions I find to be made on a weekly basis are usually menu choices when going out for dinner and life decisions seem to be fairly clear and generally pointed obvious.

However, the word "adventure" these days seem to take on a new definition.

Since moving to LA I feel in some ways that my boldness and fierce "take the bull by the horns" has nearly depleted. My dreams and vision in many ways feel like a distant movie that I replay in my mind to almost cheer myself on ... "you can do it sheri, you can do it".

LA is a place of survival.

Survival seems to bleed into many places of my heart as of late.

Hmmm.... a very wise woman and good friend of mine once said to me that I had a strong gift to survive that I easily can move compartamentally from place to part in my life. I didn't always see that as a strength and yet, she made it clear to me one day long ago that it actually is a piece of how the Lord made me to be able to juggle different feelings, scenarios and dynamics all at the same time. Most times, I just want it all to bleed together fluidly - cause it usually feels that way internally.

For those of you who have seen the movie "Crash" it is a very accurate picture of this place that I now call home.


I definately want more than survival - I want to thrive!

"Adventure" these days has been about taking a step out and initiating a call or coffee with someone whom I don't know. Sometimes adventure has been about discovering a new freeway, a new "spot", some days it has just been about getting out of my house to go for a walk.

This word has taken on a whole new meaning to me and the scary thing about it is it hasn't felt very brave. Usually I, the risk taker will do something totally "out there" not caring what anyone thinks.

I allow the risk to define adventure with feeling flowing in step and yet, it seems like I have lost some of that ...

I love the feeling of endorphines and a little bit of fear to be close at hand. To feel out of control. Even bigger than that to know that I am just jumping with everything and all - knowing HE really will catch me and I am not alone cause HE is with me! What a great feeling! Because I usually push into it deeper, further and harder. However, lately I have been running away from it. It all feels very raw and in some ways scary.

I want to be brave again. I don't want vision and my dreams to be just a "I remember when story" ... I want it to be pulsing through my veins in the 'now' moment. I really want more brave days!

I am a little girl in a massive mall who is totally lost. Looking frantically for the one who has brought her to this place. The mall usually is a familiar place of fun and frolic and yet now that she is abandoned it is a scary place ... lonely. It feels really big and completely unknown. Where is this one who has brought me to this place?? Why would he just leave me here? Why has this happened to me? Just moments ago it was normal and ok. The window dressings and attractions around me are no consolation and hold nothing for me like they usually do when I feel safe. I am running up and down the corridors -nothing feels familiar - as soon as I find him I will grab hold of his hand -I will be safe again to walk leisurely through this place that I have been brought to and experience all it has to offer.

This feels like a very vulnerable post for me and perhaps it is not so much about the words you are reading but, the weight in my heart right now that is propelling me to write this.

The good news for me in all of this is that ... Today has been a BRAVE DAY!

Here's to what tommorow holds ...
Sheri at 6:02 PM

Friday, February 17


We hit up the Dr. Phil show! woohoo ... it was a fun morning! Despite the fact that I turned my alarm off at 5:45am and rolled over. Next awaking at 6:30am which was when I was supposed to be picking anita up to head down to the show! Yikes... only National TV! Hopefully, those sleep lines and puffy eyes didn't show up too much!!! winkwink. Can you say 5 minute makeup treatment!

It was a cool experience ... for any of you who do watch that program ...they didn't give us an exact airtime date other than sometime in the next month. But, the particular show we are in the audience on is the topic "Bipolar Disorder". Yes, of course one of those light topics in celebration of Anita's Birthday! hahaha sarcasm So, after the taping we went out to a great THAI restaurant (thanks to Rache:) in Larchmont. I am slowly learning all the cool places in LA for all you visitors ... well, at least the restaurants anyway! lol...

Spent Tuesday/Wednesday with the Quincey's. Had a really fun time! Love those guys and it was so cool to really connect with Caton and Kesa (of course at a much older age than when I used to hold them in my arms). Man, time flies and of course we as adults all look the same it is just in the children you see time rolling on by... scary!

That's it for now. Makin' it short and sweet
Happy President's wknd! HAHAHAHAHA ... whatever that is other than a monday off.

Sheri at 1:54 PM

Tuesday, February 14

A Good Day!


Had a fun day today with the Quincey's! That's right ... Wendell, Maureen, Caton and Kesa! Wendell and I used to direct LifeForce Teams together after Phil Collins left and before Lindsay Hodges. ohhhh.... the days.... the good ole' days....

Went to Universal Studios today and had a great time! Tommorow is the Hollywood excursion -Hitting Melrose, Hollywood and Santa Monica.

So Refreshing!

In reflection of Valentines Day ...

"A truly perfect relationship is one in which each party leaves great tracts unknown in the other party." -D.H. Lawrence (1885-1930) English Writer
Sheri at 10:18 PM

Monday, February 13

A Special Day ...

For My Extra Special DAD!


Remember age is only but a number;)

Dad you are a hero to me in every true definition of the word. Your kindness, stability, strength, wisdom and love has guided me throughout the years. You know what it means to love unconditionally and always fight for the best and the right! Not just a good road but, the higher road!

In a world where we do not see many healthy role models of a father I can say that you far supersede anything that I could have hoped for or asked. You are such a beautiful caring person and tho' everyone may not understand your quietness and dry sense of humour - I can say it has been a solace and comfort many a time.

You are one who in a calm, timely manner and yet in strength will speak what you think. You do not carry pretense. You are and bring to the world what you say you are ... How refreshing!

You are true to your self and therefore true to all those who you meet.

Thanks for loving me
Thank you for being YOU
Thanks for providing such a stable, loving home
Thanks for believing in me always and knowing that I could do and be anything that I put my mind and heart to! You have given me confidence!

Thank you for sharing your life so generously

I love you with all my heart and am proud to say that YOU ARE MY FATHER!

Here's to at least another 30 fun years!!

all my love xo
Sheri at 12:20 PM

Sunday, February 12

And This Is How I have Been Feeling ...

The following quotes from the authors below say it perfectly.

And what is laughter anyway?
Changing the angle of vision.
That is what you love a friend for:
the ability to change your angle of vision,
bring back your best self when you feel worst,
remind you of your strengths when you feel weak.
-Erica Jong (b. 1942) American Poet and Writer

Friendship is
certainly the finest balm
for the pangs
of disappointed love.
-Jane Austen (1775-1817) English Writer

It seems to me that trying
to live without friends is
like milking a bear to get cream
for your morning coffee.
It is a whole lot of trouble,
and then not worth
much after you get it.
-Zora Neale Hurston (1903-1960) American Writer
Sheri at 12:18 AM

Tuesday, February 7

I realize ...

It is about time to write a new post.

It has been fairly busy and there is always that pull to only blog when there is some inspiring revelation or profound thought to be discussed. The activities of the day don't seem to be that exciting but, perhaps for some of you (like my beautiful mom) you appreciate hearing the day to days of the schedule and routine.

Right off the top I have to say my days are not filled with much routine - which is usually the way I like it and yet the routine things that are valuable and life giving I do embrace.

So, this post is especially for you mom

Friday Night (3rd) - I went to this amazing Cuban restaurant with some good friends here and picked up my Christmas Present from my parents! A fancy BBQ!!! I have never owned anything like this and it is a little scary to think that this really excites me in this way. An adult toy for sure!! I look forward to summer BBQ/Patio/Pool Parties ... woohoo ....

Here's a shout out to you Doug, Rache and of course my mom and dad!

Saturday (4th) - Most of the 'In Touches' (aka: Basielia prayer/worship/social gatherings) usually happen at my pad. So, after a couple hours of cleaning my place a crew of Basileia posse came over and we spent a few hours together enjoying one another and the presence of the Lord together. So, with the setup of my brand new amazing BBQ - Yes, that's right 4 men were working on it ... a single girls dream! HAHAHAH ... Then again, 3 of them are married and the 4th is a 13 year old. Ah yah ... enough said.

Later on that evening, a small group of us went out for dinner to one of our favorite restaurant haunts called Don Cucos! Fabulous mexican cuisine! For those of you who come and visit - I will for sure take you here. The Don Cucos staff knows me by name;)

Sunday (5th) - Was SUPERBOWL Sunday where there was a huge party at the Ruis' pad ... We at Basileia love to spend as much time as possible with one another ... we love to party and have fun! So, right after going to the gym and running 6 miles - I crashed the party!!! Somewhat exhausted I might add.

Monday (6th) - David and I left first thing in the morning to pick up a good friend in Ventura. Andy Freeman, from England who is a key leader with the 24-7 Prayer movement. It was a day spent with food, coffee, waaaaayyyy too much LA and area driving, airport action and stimulating conversation! Had an hour to chill went to the gym and ran 5 miles -then hooked up with Tamara and friend where we hit up a fantastic Sushi Place in Burbank. mmmm.....sushi .... yummiiiii... i love sushi!!

Here is a shout out to John Janzen - a friend from the Winnipeg era and who is now living in Japan with his fam! Remember John when you and I went out for sushi after our crazy census taking experiences and you first introduced me to EEL! I will never forget!!

TODAY! Tuesday (7th) - A good day at that ... Bailey who is my constant alarm clock. Seriously, I never have to set my alarm unless it is before 8AM. Bailey is up and ready to "do his business" by 8AM, 8:30 if he is sleeping in. Honestly, sometimes when I actually want to sleep in ... Let's just say I don't welcome my furry white alarm!

So ... got up, worked on some itinerant/basileia detail computer work. Took Bailey for an actual 'walk' and then headed over to the Ruis' to spend a few hours working on designing our basileia leadership track with David which we will be starting the end of this month. I have lots of prep work in front of me but, really excited about this! We have about 25 Basileian's who are committing to 6 sessions of 4 hours who will be walking through leadership development with David/Anita and I. This is foundational to the establishment of our core. So, exciting!

Then around 3pm went to the gym and ran 6 miles just under 56 minutes.
BTW - picked up a new pair of addidas runners at Lady Footlocker for $21!
Thank you Jesus...funny, how He knows and provides right when we really do need something -even in the little things. I knew that I could not afford expensive shoes at this point and was really praying that I could find something reasonable and bang -last week struck gold! woohoo...

Got home, worked on catching up on some emails and in about 20 minutes heading over to pick up anita - we are going to see the movie "Pride and Prejudice"...ooooooo.... I can hardly wait. A completely spontaneous last minute decision! I have been dieing to see this movie! Romance at it's finest!!

So, as I finish this post with a nice coffee in hand - ok, maybe not in hand cause that would be hard to type but, right in front of me ...with the occasional sip/type/sip/type breaks ...

I say goodnight to all my fine family and constant friends who I love dearly, whom I think of often and miss always ...

Mr. Darcy is calling my name!


Sheri at 5:11 PM

Wednesday, February 1


Yeah ... woohoo ... I now officially have a California's Drivers License!!
Well, when it comes in the mail in 2 weeks.

I did it I passed the road test this afternoon - thank you to all who prayed!

Freakin' intimidating I tell ya'! My tester was from a different DMV and a new guy so, the flippin' supervisor came along also...yikes...

I did well except he said that my residential speed was a little fast honestly, I think that he was looking at the KM's not the miles that are miniscule on the dashboard.... hahaha ...I was even trying to watch my speed!!

No matter - all that does matter is that I PASSED!

Yeah ... Soon, I will be sporting Cali-for-n-i-a Plates!
Sheri at 6:16 PM